An Interview Experience

Recently, I had the unreal experience of going onsite to Jordan High School to interview potential OLASTEO scholar and alumni candidates. This was very moving for me. Being a new OLASTEO board member, I was unsure of exactly what to expect. I had a premonition that this would be the first interview for a high number of these students. But I also knew, after reading through the candidates’ applications, I was meeting with a very special, talented, courageous, and strong-willed group. I was very impressed with the inroads OLASTEO had forged with CollegeTrack Watts, but even more so, the relationships that had been maximized with the students. Most of all, the student interviews did not disappoint. Wow, these were/are some great kids!

My entire “experience pendulum” that day kept swinging back to how special these students were/are. OLASTEO is an acronym for “our lives as seen through each other” and the mission of our organization is to create experiences that empower students to serve as catalysts for social impact. That day, through those very special students, I was inspired to be more of a catalyst for social impact, and that is exactly what “our lives as seen through each other” and OLASTEO stand for. We all learn from one another. These students will learn enormously from these thoughtful experiences. But, anyone that comes across these kids will also learn, and become inspired by them. And that is moving.