Frequently Asked Questions




+ Who is an ideal candidate for OLASTEO?

First and foremost, you must be a high school student in good standing with one of OLASTEO's partner organizations. We select applicants based on a number of factors including extracuricular activities, personal attributes, leadership qualities, and academic merit.

+ How can I apply for an OLASTEO Local or National/International Excursion?

If you are a high student interested in applying, please reach out to a staff member of the OLASTEO partner organization that you're a member of. Applications are only open in advance of specific excursions and will be announced on our Instagram account.

+ What does the application process entail?

The application process includes two rounds. The first round is a written application with short essays. Finalists are chosen to move on to the second round which is a short, 10-15 minute interview with members of the OLASTEO Board of Directors. The selected OLASTEO scholars are notified within one week of the interviews.

+ What are the benefits of OLASTEO?

OLASTEO’s foundation is rooted in in-person trips designed to open and expand student perspectives within and beyond Los Angeles. We curate unique, immersive, and transformational cultural experiences at the local, national, and international levels. OLASTEO strives to create an environment that helps foster inclusion and belonging. Many of our alumni utilize their OLASTEO experiences as the focal point of their college application essays.

+ Is OLASTEO still traveling during Covid-19?

For the safety of our students, families, and volunteers, we will only host Local Excursions for the remainder of 2021. All local and CDC protocols will be followed during these trips. We plan to return to our National Excurions in 2022.

+ Who leads the excursions?

Our founders and board of directors personally attend each excursion and make sure that every aspect of the experience is a success. In addition, for any national and international trips, we invite a chaperon from at least one partner organization to attend. That means keeping students safe, as well as ensuring a positive and meaningful experience.




+ How do I receive documentation of my donation for tax purposes?

When you make an online donation to OLASTEO, you will automatically receive a donation receipt via email. Please retain this receipt for your tax records.

In addition, you can also download a copy of your donation receipt at any time. To do so, click here to set up your own account in our donor portal using the email address with which you created your monthly donation. You will then be emailed a link to activate the donor portal. Once you have set up your account, you can visit the donor portal at any time to change your subscription, update your billing information, or download receipts.

+ How do I change or cancel my Catalyst Collective monthly donation?

You can visit your donor portal at any time to change your subscription, update your billing information, or download receipts. To set up an account using the email address with which you created your monthly donation, click here. You will then be emailed a link to activate the donor portal.

+ How can I update my billing information for my Catalyst Collective monthly donation?

You can visit your donor portal at any time to update your billing information, change your subscription, or download receipts. To set up an account using the email address with which you created your monthly donation, click here. You will then be emailed a link to activate your donor portal.

+ How can I mail a check to OLASTEO?

We would be grateful to receive your check payable to “OLASTEO, Inc.” at the following address:

3319 Adina Dr
Los Angeles, CA 90068

For more info, please click here.

+ Can I donate in someone’s honor or memory?

Yes! There is an option on our donation page where you can give in honor/memory of someone else. There, you can donate to OLASTEO on someone’s behalf and send a custom e-card along with your donation.

+ Can I donate via wire or ACH transfer?


To donate via wire transfer, please contact to receive our wire transfer payment instructions.

To donate via ACH transfer, please go to our Donate page and select the "Link to Bank" option when you set-up your one-time or monthly donation online.

+ Can I donate stock?

Yes! To donate stock online, please click here to find us on Overflow. If you have any questions during the process, please contact for support.

+ Has Charity Navigator rated OLASTEO?

Not yet, but we’re working on it! In the meantime, feel free to contact us at if you would like to receive more information about us.

+ Where can I get information about OLASTEO's financials and tax-exempt status?

To obtain copies of our 990 form, please contact Additionally, you can check out our 2020 annual report here.