Inside Perspective from an Intern

It might be your first time seeing me, but it’s not our first interaction. If you’ve followed OLASTEO on social media or even read one of our emails, we have interacted. Hi, I’m Natalia, and I’m currently the Eva Mozes Kor Marketing and Communications Intern. I’m the person behind the captions, stories, social posts, and even the emails in your inbox. 

First off, I am humbled to be a part of the internship that was created to honor a remarkable human being, Holocaust Survivor and Forgiveness Advocate, Eva Mozes Kor. She was a central figure in inspiring the creation of OLASTEO. If you do not know who Eva was, I want you to please stop reading and take a few minutes to read her story here first: 

Okay, now that you’re back, I want to talk about what this internship has meant to me. It is a privilege to work alongside such a passionate team, and I immediately felt welcomed from day one. I didn’t have OLASTEO when I was growing up, but interning here reminded me of the organizations that have been instrumental in my educational and professional journey. Therefore, being able to play even a small role in empowering their scholars has meant the world. 

Many see OLASTEO as an up-and-coming nonprofit organization, small but mighty, which is already an incredible feat in itself. However, as someone who has been on the inside, I can say that OLASTEO is already doing the work and impacting their students’ lives. Their ability to quickly pivot from their in-person experiences to virtual programming at the start of the pandemic was impressive and a reflection of how much they care about their scholars.

As my internship comes to a close, I look forward to bringing all of my experiences, lessons learned, and ability to wear many hats into my next professional role after graduation. 

Thank you OLASTEO for this awesome adventure!