My 2022 Freedom Trail #OLASTEOmoment

There is no proper place to start. It may be overplayed to say that certain things change your life, but OLASTEO has. It has altered the course of my life in ways I could have never imagined. It brought some spectacular people into my world that I otherwise would have never been able to meet. It opened my mind to an experience of a lifetime and to knowledge that has impacted me in countless ways. The gratitude I have for this organization is immeasurable. Before this, I had no idea that opportunities like this even existed.

The Freedom Trail National Excusion opened my eyes to the injustices that still go on around us. My #OLASTEOmoment was our visit to Selma, where we met JoAnne Bland. This was a turning point in both the trip and my life. Her speech and her potent personality were a wake-up call for me and those around me. Her words taught me that change starts with each of us. That I do have a voice. Although we have come a long way to equal rights, we must still advance and finish the path our brave civil rights leaders paved. 

Now, not only do I pay more close attention to the world around me, but I have started to notice injustices and racism that are deep-rooted in our society. I would have never noticed these things if I had not gone on this trip. I find myself watching movies or shows and catching subtle stereotypes that I usually would have brushed off as a joke. This journey through time in which we learned about one of the most impactful eras of American history and where the will and commitment of a minority shined a light on the darkness of racism is something that I will never forget. The wave of inspiration to be a part of the change and join that wall of courageous civil rights leaders like Medgar Evers, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and John Lewis has never been stronger. Through this journey, I have wanted to impact the world more than ever; OLASETO has crafted me into someone ready to take on the world face first. Someone who will become a catalyst for change and is prepared for whatever the world throws his way.