Inspired by History on the 2023 FTNE

There were many events that were very impactful to me, but one of the highlights of the Freedom Trail National Excursion was touring the Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration. It was a powerful experience to explore the history of racial injustice and its impact on generations of African Americans. The museum was full of stories and artifacts that helped me understand this part of American history in a fresh perspective. I will never forget the impact it had on me. It was a reminder that our society still has a long way to go to fully address systemic racism in our country.

I left the museum with a sense of responsibility to make a difference. Whether that is using my voice to fight for social justice or using my privilege to help others and amplify marginalized voices, I am determined to do my part. I am dedicating myself to learning more about the histories and struggles of others, so that I can better understand how to support them. I am educating myself on racism and white privilege and learning how to be an effective ally. I am listening to and learning from those affected by racism and actively engaging in conversations with those who don't share my views. I am challenging myself and others to examine our biases. I am actively working to create equitable systems and structures in my community. I am working to build relationships with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. I am also challenging myself and others to combat the whitewashing of our history.

We must learn the true history of our country and our world to understand the underlying causes of racism and injustice. We must recognize our own implicit biases and strive to be anti-racist in all areas of our lives. We must acknowledge our privilege, speak out against racism, and promote equity and justice. We must keep pushing and striving for a better future for all. We must come together to create a society that is truly equal for everyone.

OLASTEO provided me with the opportunity to learn more about our history and the systems of oppression that have led to racism, injustice, and inequality. Through OLASTEO, I have gained a deeper understanding of racism, gained the knowledge and skills to be an anti-racist, and developed an action plan to promote equity and justice. I am committed to using my knowledge and skills to create meaningful change. I will continue to take action in my community and strive to create a more equitable and just future for all. I will use my platform and voice to amplify the voices of those who have been silenced.