Uplifting Community

Q: How do you help your community or help people?

I help my friends through fostering their personal growth, so they can achieve their goals. When it comes to life and personal growth, it can never be done by yourself. It takes someone to check in on you and make sure you're on the right path. I help people in my community by asking them self-reflection questions, such as, “What have you done to take care of yourself today?,” and “Who are you?,” and “what is the deeper ‘why?’” These questions allow the person  to look within themself, and get at the root of their motivations. 

These questions also strengthen our relationship. Just the idea of stopping to talk to someone shows that you are thinking about them and their well-being. This trust is essential for helping others, whether they are someone random or someone really close to you. What is growth? It's the mindset rooted in self reflection, designed to better yourself. What’s essential is the spark of the conversation and the communal support.