Why I Volunteer

It's heartwarming to watch these amazing students build friendships and embrace new experiences that open their eyes to so many opportunities they deserve. As an African American woman, I understand the importance of a strong support system, diversity, and quality education in a world filled with so many barriers and obstacles specific to people of color. 

Looking back, one of my favorite experiences as a chaperone in OLASTEO's Washington, DC trip was the Georgetown University tour. OLASTEO brought inspiration, hope, and new dreams to the minds of these students through this university campus experience. I observed and listened to students considering applying to this school and watched them ask questions about the educational advantages and the activities of campus life.  Watching the hope, excitement, and positive outlook toward their futures ignite as they toured the campus was absolutely wonderful!

OLASTEO does more than offer experiences and tools for positive change and growth. Through their partnership with College Track Watts, they help provide a strong foundation of support, mentorship, and friendship for students of diverse backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs.  Only selfless acts, empathy, and understanding can manifest the change needed to create an all-inclusive world of equal opportunity.  

As a volunteer, it's essential to take time to help others grow and succeed in this world. If you can give, you must. If you can bring hope to others, you must!